Hello, Zigos!

We were Zilong. Zilong is Ziga Khalong. We are not from Earth but we come from one of the planets called Zinggroszologoszigakhalong. We go to earth because there is information we want to share to humans on this earth.


  • Maulynaldo Rizky Abdi
  • Dwiyatna Nawungkridha S.
  • Our programmer is the leader of the Zilong in charge of monitoring the work of the Zilong in providing information and compiling the work of the Zilong.

  • Mohammad Iqbal Aditya
  • Alinda Herdiana Putri
  • Writer of the Zilong charge to write down the information in this blog. Writter also makes writing languages easy to read and understand by Zigos.

  • Hanindhiya
  • Ilham Aleandra G
  • The Zilong researcher is in charge of searching for more information, then transferring it and uniting it with what the Zilong know. Then we share that information with the Zigos.

  • Suci Ratu
  • Zia Ilmi
  • Designers from the Zilong has a duty to design the blog look to be more interesting again. In order for the Zigos to read comfortably and easily to understand.