Ethylene Oxide

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The epoxy cycle of ethylene oxide is an almost regular triangle with bond angles of about 60 degree and..

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Chemical Properties

Molecular Formula, Molar Mass, Melting Point, Vapor Pressure, Volatility, Solubility, Air Density

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Physical Properties

Molar mass : 44.05 g/mol, Form : Gas, Color : colorless , Vapor density : 1,5 (air = 1) Solubility : Insoluble in water..

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Short-term Exposure : Excessive exposure can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and...

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Ethylene oxide is used in industry to make many consumer products as well as non-consumer....

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Ethylene oxide was first reported in 1859 by the French chemist Charles-Adolphe Wurtz,...

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Ethylene oxide is a chemical used to make ethylene glycol. In addition, ethyl oxide...

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Ethylene oxide, also known as oxyane is an organic compound..

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