
Measurement System Route/Organism Dose Effect Date
Mutation Data mutation in microorganisms /Escherichia coli 1 µmol/L (-enzymatic activation step) March 2014
Reproductive Effects inhalation/rat 5000 ppm/6H (6-19D pregnant) Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus) March 2014
Reproductive Effects oral/mouse 2592 mg/kg (6-17D pregnant) Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter;measured before birth) Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus) March 2014
Tumorigenic Data inhalation/mouse lowest published toxic concentration: 1800 ppm/6H/2Y- intermittent Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors March 2014
Acute Toxicity Data oral/guinea pig lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2300 mg/kg March 2014
Other Multiple Dose Data inhalation/mouse lowest published toxic concentration: 200 ppm/6H/14W- intermittent Liver: Changes in liver weight March 2014
Other Multiple Dose Data inhalation/mouse lowest published toxic concentration: 15000 mg/m3/5D- intermittent/td> Liver: Other changes Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.) March 2014
Other Multiple Dose Data inhalation/mouse lowest published toxic concentration: 8 gm/m3/2H/60D- intermittent Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field March 2014
Acute Toxicity Data inhalation/rat lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 21000 ppm/3H Behavioral: Sleep Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory stimulation Gastrointestinal: Nausea or vomiting March 2014
Other Multiple Dose Data inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 1.5 gm/m3/61D- intermittent Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count March 2014
Created by : Mochammad Irzal Ig: @mchmmdrzl XI-6