Side Effects of Retinal

If many of the readers who often read about how the body is often deficient in vitamin A. Though the body itself needs vitamin A regularly like other vitamins in this body. But there are also cases of excess vitamins in the community. One of them excess vitamin A is. Symptoms of excess vitamin A and due to excess vitamin A which began a lot in the community due to excessive dose of vitamin A either daily or sustained for months and even years. The occurrence of excess consumption on vitamin A requirement because the community itself already understands the food consumed is enough with natural foods that contain vitamin A, but add it again with supplements. So as a result of excess vitamin A appears.

but there is an impact if the excess vitamin A


Broadly speaking, the vitamin is divided into two groups, namely the water soluble vitamin and fat soluble vitamins. While vitamin A into the fat soluble group. That means, vitamin A will dissolve in fat and then stored in body net, so that if excessive can trigger the condition of hypervitaminosis or vitamin A

2).Hair Loss

Hair loss or alopecia is a decrease in the amount of hair on the scalp. Most people have experienced hair loss. It is normal to lose 100 hairs per day. But if excessive, sometimes there are medical reasons that cause hair

3).Impaired Vision

The eyes are the senses. With our eyes we can see the world, enjoy the beauty of nature, and certainly look at loved ones. With our eyes we can do all activities. But what happens if our eyes are disturbed? What are the common vision problems? The eyes are the senses. With our eyes we can see the world and enjoy the beauty of nature, and look at loved ones. With our eyes we can do all activities. But what happens if our eyes are disturbed? There are some conditions that cause impaired vision that is Rabun near or in hyperopia medical language. Long distant or in medical language myopia. Twilight or in medical language nyctalopia.


Nausea is an uncomfortable sensation in the upper abdomen accompanied by an urge to vomit. However, nausea may not necessarily be followed by vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are usually symptoms that can be caused by many things. Nausea rarely becomes a sign of a serious illness or even life-threatening person. This condition is the body's way to dispose of material that may be harmful from within the body.

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Baby Children, born to 6 months: 400 mcg Baby,
7 to 12 months: 500 mcg Children,
1 to 3 years: 300 mcg Children,
4 to 8 years: 400 mcg Children,
9 to 13 years: 600 mcg Single,
14 to 18 years: 700 mcg Adult Male,
19 years and over: 900 mcg Female,
19 years and above: 700 mcg Pregnant women,
14 to 18 years: 750 mcg pregnant women,
19 years and above: 770 mcg Breastfeeding women,
14 to 18 years: 1,200 mcg Breastfeeding women,
19 and above: 1,300 mcg