"Everything is Chemistry"

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Diethyl ether, or simply ether, is an organic compound in the ether class with formula (C2H5)2O, Sometimes abbreviated as Et2O. It is a colorless, highly volatile flammable liquid.....

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>Ether ([CH3CH2] 2O) is one of the substances widely used as anesthesia in medicine today...

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Chemical Properties

Chemical properties of diethyl ether, are:
a. Oxidation
b. Reaction with Sulphuric Acid
c. Reaction with Iodide Acid

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Physical Properties

Physical Properties of Diethyl Ether are :
Ether is a colorless liquid
Ether is a volatile liquid
Ether also has a distinctive odor

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Diethyl ether, also known as ether and ethoxy ethane, is a clear, colorless, flammable liquid with a low boil and a distinctive smelling aroma......

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Ether ([CH3CH2] 2O) is one of the substances widely used as anesthesia in medicine today...

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It is particularly important as a solvent in the production of cellulose plastics such as cellulose acetate.
Laboratory uses
Anesthetic use

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